Mind/Body Disconnect

This category contains 23 posts

The Gift: A Parable

There once was a man who was given a rare and precious diamond. It was the most valuable gift that anyone had ever received since the beginning of time. Not really knowing what to do with such great wealth, the man decided to keep the priceless gem in an old shoe box — just until … Continue reading

My Business Model Totally Sucks!

OK. I’m a little slow sometimes, but I am starting to understand. My business model is totally wrong. I have completely missed the point of being in the counseling business. And here is the problem – My clients get “well” too quickly. It seems that most counselors see clients for 30-40 minutes, and then stop … Continue reading

Would You Believe It . . . ?

WOW! Who could have guessed? Certainly not me! One of my recent posts – Try This – I Dare You! – has inspired many folks to email me requesting permission to use this information in other settings – to which I have responded in the affirmative (as long as my contact information is included, of … Continue reading

Discover the New and Improved You! – Part Two

Wow! Is It Fast! The rate of renewal in our physical bodies is amazing. Radioactive isotope studies have shown that each of us literally replace 98% of all the atoms in our bodies in less than a year, every year. So at the beginning of a year, when someone wishes you Happy New Year, it … Continue reading

Unleash Your Power!

Believe it or not, you can control the way you feel. If you are able to make very simple choices, you can do this — simple things like choosing to smile, or choosing to frown. Either choice begins as a thought. Thoughts become neural-transmiters (chemicals) that send messages to muscles and those messages become actions (parts … Continue reading

Try These – I Dare You!

If you knew something that was easy and simple to do that would make a measurable, dramatic improvement in your health, why would you not do it? In my previous posting I actually dared you to do something that would make you feel better and improve your health. It was very simple and easy to … Continue reading

Attitude – The Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference

I once knew a man who regularly came to work on Monday morning proclaiming, “Boy, it was a lousy weekend! It was sunny and I had to mow my lawn.” Or if it had been a rainy weekend he would say, “Boy, it was a lousy weekend! It was rainy and I couldn’t mow my … Continue reading

Change for the Health of It: The Story of a Ham

Hopefully the realization that behavior patterns are learned is good news, because anything that can be learned can be unlearned, or changed. Of course, it does require a desire to change, and that requires an understanding of some reason why change is desirable. Since we have learned that our current major health concerns are Lifestyle, … Continue reading

Change for the Health of It: Breaking Up is Hard to do

“Change is such hard work.”  Billy Crystal There is an old saying, “If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always gotten.” This is especially true in regard to our level of health and wellness. If we continue to do what we have always done … Continue reading

My Top 10 Posts from 2012

Just a quick share of My Top 10 Posts from 2012, chosen based on the number of people who have clicked on the links for these blog posts. They are listed in order starting with the most read posting and going down. I sincerely appreciate everyone who has read and supported my efforts for the blog. Blessings to you for … Continue reading

Posts by Dr. Gary Flegal

April 2024


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Stress can cause severe health problems if not managed properly. In extreme cases stress can lead to physical symptoms which can even cause death. While stress management techniques have been shown to have a positive effect on reducing stress, the information on this website is for guidance only. Readers should seek the advice of suitably qualified health professionals if they have any concerns over stress-related illnesses or if stress is causing significant or persistent unhappiness. Health professionals should also be consulted before any major change in diet or levels of exercise.